Dentist Claremont


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Dental Care

Importance of Regular Dental Cleanings

The process of dental cleaning involves the removal of dental plaque from teeth with the intention of preventing cavities, gingivitis, and other gum diseases such as periodontal disease.

People often take it upon themselves to care for their oral hygiene but what most people don’t know is that routine brushing and flossing does not clean your teeth entirely.

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Dentist in Claremont Talks About Fluoride for Kids

As parents, we want our kids to have healthy teeth.

At our dentist in Claremont, the children’s dental health is especially important to us, because good oral hygiene from a young age will lead healthy teeth later in life.

In this article, we aim to teach parents about the importance of regular topical fluoride applications and the problems that might arise from too much fluoride intake.

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Helpful Tips on How to Get Rid of Bad Breath

Bad breath otherwise medically known as Halitosis, can have a major effect on your quality of life and overall self-confidence.

Not only does it affect our day to day lives and interactions with family and friends, but it also may create may rather embarrassing encounters which may result in you being reluctant to speak.

Luckily, bad breath can be treated and prevented once you are able to understand what is causing it.

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Toothache - The Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

There are several reasons you may have toothache, in this article we’ll be discussing possible causes of toothache, symptoms and treatments.

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5 Reasons your Child needs regular Dental Check-ups

As a child dentist based in Claremont, we have seen the consequences of what happens when children are not taken for regular dental check-ups.

We recommend that you start bringing your child to see us within 6 months after their first teeth appear or at 12 months of age, whichever comes first.

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Why You Need to Treat Teeth Grinding and Jaw Clenching

A healthy diet, combined with good oral hygiene practices should ensure your trips to the dentist are limited, right?


Although, we know that acidic and sugary foods damage the enamel of our teeth, there are other habits that severely damage your teeth without you realising.

In this article, we’ll be discussing Bruxism and Jaw Clenching – and how we treat them.

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Do's and Don'ts of Dental Care During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, it’s extremely important to take good care of your teeth and gums.

The problem is, pregnancy causes hormonal changes that increase your risk of developing gum disease which, in turn, can affect the health of your developing baby.

For your convenience, our dentists in Claremont have put together a few tips that will help you maintain good oral hygiene before, during and after pregnancy.

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