Dentist Claremont


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Teeth Whitening

Do Straws Protect Teeth from Staining & Other Damage?

Our Dentists in Claremont have a strong passion for oral hygiene and are here to provide clarity on all matters and myths related to dental health.

One of the matters that has recently become the subject of most conversations is straws, their environmental impact and whether or not they actually protect your teeth from stains and other potential damage.

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Importance of Regular Dental Cleanings

The process of dental cleaning involves the removal of dental plaque from teeth with the intention of preventing cavities, gingivitis, and other gum diseases such as periodontal disease.

People often take it upon themselves to care for their oral hygiene but what most people don’t know is that routine brushing and flossing does not clean your teeth entirely.

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Teeth Whitening at a Claremont Dentist

Stained yellow teeth are something almost every smoker experiences, unfortunately tooth discolouration is just one of the consequences of smoking tobacco.

However, it’s not only smokers who fall victim to stained teeth, just about anyone can have yellow teeth if they enjoy tea, coffee or even a glass of wine every now and again.

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