Dentist Claremont


Cloud Nine News Blog

From category archives: Cloud9 News

Dental Implants

The Different Aspects of Cosmetic Dentistry

With Dr Salie on our team at Cloud 9, we are happy to add the very specialised field of cosmetic dentistry to our range of dental services.

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New Staff Addition for Implant and Aesthetic Dentistry

Cloud 9 Dentists in Claremont Cape Town would like to announce a new addition to our staff and we take this opportunity to warmly welcome Dr Zaid Salie to our team.

Dr Salie has a special interest in aesthetic or cosmetic dentistry as well as implant dentistry and has over 20 years of experience in these fields.

He is passionate about his chosen field of expertise and is excited to welcome you onto his chair.

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Dental Implants by Cloud 9 Dentists in Claremont

Many advancements have been made over the past few years regarding dental procedures. Fortunately, we no longer given only one or two (not so appealing) options when it comes to cosmetic dentistry.

With dental implants we are now able to fill gaps left by missing teeth, however many there may be. Dentures and missing teeth are now a thing of the past.

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