Dentist Claremont


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Dentist in Claremont Talks About Fluoride for Kids

As parents, we want our kids to have healthy teeth.

At our dentist in Claremont, the children’s dental health is especially important to us, because good oral hygiene from a young age will lead healthy teeth later in life.

In this article, we aim to teach parents about the importance of regular topical fluoride applications and the problems that might arise from too much fluoride intake.

Our Dentist in Clarmont explains the benefits of Fluoride Application for kids

Topical fluoride applications

One way of helping your little one combat tooth decay and cavities, apart from the usual brushing teeth, is to have a topical fluoride application done at your local dentist along with your normal check-ups.

Topical fluoride application is important and has been found to be beneficial to children in the prevention of cavities and combating plaque on and around your teeth.

Plaque is a sticky layer on top of the tooth that is full of bacteria.

These bacteria eat sugar and foods on your teeth and turn them into acids, which in turn dissolve the enamel of your teeth.

Small pits develop on the tooth which are invisible at first, but eventually, will become sensitive to sweet, hot and cold.

The tiniest concentration of fluoride causes the enamel of the tooth to become less soluble and helps fight against the decay caused by plaque.

However, too much fluoride ingestion can cause fluorosis and therefore the application must be done by a well-experienced dentist.

Dental fluorosis is characterised by mottled or streaky white spots on the teeth which can only happen when a child consumes too much fluoride during tooth formation.

However, when a topical fluoride application is performed in a controlled environment a very small amount of fluoride enters the body and the possibility of developing issues such as fluorosis is far less probable.

Cloud 9 Dental – Dentists in Claremont

Cloud 9 Dental is a Family Dentistry specialising in working with children and all aspects of paediatric dentistry.

Having two young children ourselves, we understand the hesitance children have when visiting the dentist. We also understand the need for a calm and happy environment – for both the child and their parent’s nerves.

For more information about our dentist or to make an appointment, please contact us.


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