Dentist Claremont


Cloud Nine News Blog

5 Reasons your Child needs regular Dental Check-ups

As a child dentist based in Claremont, we have seen the consequences of what happens when children are not taken for regular dental check-ups.

We recommend that you start bringing your child to see us within 6 months after their first teeth appear or at 12 months of age, whichever comes first.

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Why You Need to Treat Teeth Grinding and Jaw Clenching

A healthy diet, combined with good oral hygiene practices should ensure your trips to the dentist are limited, right?


Although, we know that acidic and sugary foods damage the enamel of our teeth, there are other habits that severely damage your teeth without you realising.

In this article, we’ll be discussing Bruxism and Jaw Clenching – and how we treat them.

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Do's and Don'ts of Dental Care During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, it’s extremely important to take good care of your teeth and gums.

The problem is, pregnancy causes hormonal changes that increase your risk of developing gum disease which, in turn, can affect the health of your developing baby.

For your convenience, our dentists in Claremont have put together a few tips that will help you maintain good oral hygiene before, during and after pregnancy.

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Comfortable Conscious Sedation at Cloud 9 Dental

At our dentist in Claremont, we understand your concerns and strive to make every dental visit as comfortable as possible.

As a mother of two, I know exactly what it’s like to try and get your children to their dental check-up. It can be a rather daunting task, especially when they are frightened of the whole idea.

Specialising in working with children and all aspects of paediatric dentistry, we have made it our mission to make dentist visits for kids not only pleasant but also fun.

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Root Canal, a necessity to save your teeth.

It’s time to talk about root canal, a subject many people fear and most would rather avoid. But the aim of this article is not to incite fear or panic over a tooth ache.

The aim of this article is to help you understand the process of root canal and why it’s a procedure you don’t actually need to be scared of at all.

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Teeth Whitening at a Claremont Dentist

Stained yellow teeth are something almost every smoker experiences, unfortunately tooth discolouration is just one of the consequences of smoking tobacco.

However, it’s not only smokers who fall victim to stained teeth, just about anyone can have yellow teeth if they enjoy tea, coffee or even a glass of wine every now and again.

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Why You Need to Look After Your Child’s Milk Teeth

Teething and the formation of baby teeth is a developmental milestone in every mother and child’s life.

The first milk teeth, known as primary teeth, typically appear as early as 3-4 months of age, but really start to make their way through the gums between the ages of 6 months to 1 year of age.

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